Teacher and Student Success Plan 2024-2025
Teacher and Student Success Plan
School Information
Name of Administrator: Mary Heslop
Name of School: Country View Elementary School
Goal # 1
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement
Goal #1:
Positive Behavior Goal: 100% of teachers and school counselor will teach school wide procedures/social skills lessons weekly during the 24-25 school year, which will result in a decrease in office referrals(majors) and minors from the previous school year (23-24) by 10% as reported by Powerschool Incident count. |
Goal #1 Action Steps
1. School's mental health therapist will support individual student behavior based on caseload. |
$5,130 |
2. Paraprofessionals will be hired to support the implementation of a schoolwide positive behavior plan and support students identified with behavior needs, enabling them to learn and practice behavior strategies that positively impact individual and classroom learning. |
$12,000 |
3. Student incentives will be purchased to implement a schoolwide positive behavior plan. |
$6,500 |
4. Panorama Education subscriptions will be purchased to facilitate instruction on social skills and mental health wellness for grades 3-6. |
$450 |
5. As we support student behavior and leadership skills, we increase the ability for students to improve academic performance. Schoolwide participation in the Leader In Me Program will be implemented. Leader In Me online K-6 materials will be purchased to support classroom instruction. | $2082 |
Goal #1 Expenditure Category
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)
School personnel stipends |
Professional learning |
Additional school employees |
Student wellness support |
Student leadership development |
College and career readiness skills |
Technology |
Before – or after – school programs |
Community support programs or partnerships |
Early childhood education |
Class size reduction strategies |
other | |
Schoolwide positive behavior plan incentives |
Goal # 1 Measures of Success
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
Behavior office referrals are documented on paper forms and in the school’s student database. These incidents are tallied each quarter and at year end. Office referrals are entered into Powerschool. We will have a 10% decrease from the 23-24 school year. |
Goal #2
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.
Goal #2
Goal: 72% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above typical growth in reading by the end of the 2024-25 school year as measured by Pathways of Progress on the end-of-year Acadience Reading Assessment. |
Goal #2 Action Steps
1. Support will be provided by paraprofessionals during Tier II reading instruction. |
$63,000 |
2. Teachers and paraprofessionals will utilize educational technology (Lexia Learning) to increase student engagement and promote learning. |
$3,000 |
3. Stipends will be provided to teachers and paraprofessionals for participating in professional development. |
$2,000 |
4. Substitute’s to cover classrooms for professional development. |
$1,000 |
Goal #2 Expenditure Areas
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures. (Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)
School personnel stipends |
Professional learning |
Additional school employees |
Student wellness support |
Student leadership development |
College and career readiness skills |
Technology |
Before – or after – school programs |
Community support programs or partnerships |
Early childhood education |
Class size reduction strategies |
other |
Goal # 2 Measures of Success:
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
Acadience progress monitoring will be administered to students on a weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly basis as well as assessments three times during the year, BOY, MOY, and EOY. |
Do you have a Goal #3
(Please click on the checkbox(es).)
Yes |
No |
Goal #3
Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.
Goal #3
65% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above typical growth on the 2024-25 end-of-year Math Acadience. |
Goal #3 Action Step
1. Paraprofessionals will be hired to provide math intervention and enrichment. |
$28,718 |
2. Subscriptions for online math programs(IXL or ALEKS and Acadience Math 4th-6th) will be purchased to support differentiated student learning. |
$4,500 |
3. Teachers and paraprofessionals will utilize educational technology to increase student engagement and promote learning. |
$3,000 |
4. Stipends will be provided to teachers and paraprofessionals for participating in professional development. |
$2,500 |
5. Substitute’s to cover classrooms for professional development. | $1,000 |
Goal #3 Expenditure Areas
Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.(Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable category.)
School personnel stipends |
Professional learning |
Additional school employees |
Student wellness support |
Student leadership development |
College and career readiness skills |
Technology |
Before – or after – school programs |
Community support programs or partnerships |
Early childhood education |
Class size reduction strategies |
other | |
Online math subscriptions |
Goal #3 Measures of Success
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
Beginning and end-of-year Acadience Math Assessments will be used to determine if students in grades 1-3 achieved the math goal. Progress monitoring will be used on a weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly basis to determine if progress is being made. |
Proposed Budget
Stakeholder Involvement
Who was involved in developing this plan?
(Please click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)
Educators |
Collaborative Leadership Team |
Administrators |
Students |
Community Council Members |
Parents |
Support Professionals |
Other |
Administrator Signature
Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals.
Signature : Mary Heslop Date: 7/12/24 |