February 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Those in attendance: Rusti Hammer, Amy Hadley, Angela Pauli, Cindy Waters, Rachelle Moore, Shawn Ferriola, Katie Griffiths (Metcalf), and Heather Hales.
Those not in attendance: Krystin Amaya
Welcome: Rusti Hammer, Chair, welcomed everyone and led the meeting.
Action Item: Approval of Minutes from January 10, 2024 meeting.
Angela Pauli motioned to approve.
Katie Metcalf seconded the motion.
5 unanimous votes.
Presentation of 2022-23 Final Report: Heather Hales gave reports of what was submitted.
Presentation of 2024-2025 School LAND Trust Plan: Primary goal was raised according to prior year’s data. The secondary goal is shifting from proficiency to growth percentile.
Discussion of 2024-2025 School LAND Trust Plan:
Boundary exceptions, student numbers, and budget adjustments because of this, were discussed.
Action Item: Vote to Approve 2024-2025 School LAND Trust Plan
Rusti Hammer motioned to approve.
Cindy Waters seconded the motion.
9 unanimous votes.
Other Business:
Acadience Math data presented for K-3.
Community Council voting and general elections and new members will be determined in the fall.
Voting for Shawn Ferriola to be Chair for the 2024-25 school year.
Angela motioned to approve.
Rachelle Moore seconded the motion.
9 unanimous votes.
Future Meeting Dates: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 @ 4:00 p.m.
Action Item - Adjournment:
Rusti Hammer motion to adjourn.
Shawn Ferriola seconded the motion.
9 unanimous votes.