February 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Those in attendance: Rachelle Moore, Heather Hales, Krystin Amaya, Marci Thorstead, Amy Hadley, Rusti Hammer, Shawn Ferriola, and Adrianna Griffey.
Those not in attendance: Cindy Waters
Introductions: Rachelle Moore, Chair, led introductions and the meeting.
Action Item - Approval of Minutes from 1/11/23:
The minutes were approved with errors corrected.
Rusti Hammer motioned to approve.
Amy Hadley seconded the motion.
Unanimous 7 votes.
Presentation of Final Report 2021-22-Heather Hales presented the categories and breakdown of expenses.
MOY Data Presentation-Presented by Krystin Amaya.
Overview the Implementation of School LAND Trust Plan
Heather Hales presented.
Input for Next Year’s LAND Trust Plan
Continue to support Leader in Me and aide salaries to help students academically. Aleks and IXL subscriptions discussed. Continue on as planned.
Overview the Implementation of the Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP) Heather Hales presented the goals and spending for 22-23 school year.
Input for Next Year’s Teacher and Student Success Plan Continue to support Leader in Me and aide salaries to help students academically.
Update on Boundary Study Committee Still continuing the process, no new updates.
Other Business None
Future Meeting Dates:
- Wednesday, March 8, 2023 @ 4:00 p.m.
- LAND Trust Plan Approval
- Wednesday, April 12, 2023 @ 4:00 p.m. - if needed
Action Item - Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn was made by Marci Thorstead.
Seconded by Shawn Ferriola.
Unanimous 7 votes to adjourn.