Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures

Enter and exit our parking lot slowly with great care and awareness for our students walking and riding bikes.
Our front parking lot is divided into two sections: West and East. Both sections include two one-way lanes: a drop-off/pick-up lane on the right and a through lane on the left.
The west section includes a driveway that accesses our bus circle and is used by buses. Please give school buses the right of way.
Pull forward as far as possible in the drop-off/pick-up lane. This allows the maximum number of cars to enter the parking lot and prevents backup onto 4800 South.
Do not park and ask students to walk to the car. Students are not allowed to cross into the parking lot on their own.
Have students only use the passenger side of the vehicle to load and unload.
After dropping off or picking up your student, carefully move to the left through lane to exit the parking lot.
Please be patient and courteous when using the drop-off/pick-up lane.
Outside school supervision starts 15 minutes before the first bell at 8:15 a.m. Please do not drop off students to wait outside before 8:15. Students eating breakfast may enter the cafeteria at 8:05 a.m.
Due to safety regulations - Parents are not allowed on the playground. Drop off your students at the front of the building.
Parents please demonstrate the importance of these rules to your children by setting the example yourself.