A Message from our School Nurse

Please do not send your child to school if he/she has or has had:
Fever of more than 100 degrees within the last 24 hours (must be fever free without
medication)Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
Continuous Coughing not relieved with cough medicine
Weber School District does not allow ANY school personnel, including the nurse, to give ANY
medication without a school district medication authorization form filled out and signed by the
parent and the doctor. This includes ALL over the counter medications, even cough drops. These
forms are available in the front office.
As many people are getting colds and the flu we would greatly appreciate your assistance in
preventing the spread of illnesses in our school. Please help us teach your children good health
habits to protect themselves as well as others:
Get plenty of rest
Eat a nutritionally balanced diet
Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and healthy fluids (soda does not count)
When coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth by coughing or sneezing into a tissue
or elbowPractice frequent hand washing with soap and water, as this is one of the best ways to prevent
the spread of germs. Wash your hands for a full 20 seconds (sing the Happy Birthday Song or
Row, Row, Row Your Boat while washing your hands).
Since students need to be picked up when they become ill at school, we need CURRENT telephone
numbers and contact information. Please make these changes on Power School as soon as
possible, so we are able to contact you when needed.
Thank you in advance for working with us to keep students and staff healthy and in school!
Patricia Lords BSN RN
School Nurse