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Flu Clinic October 8, 2024

Dear Parent or Guardian,            This fall, your school and the Weber-Morgan Health Department are partnering to provide their annual Flu Immunization Clinic. In addition to Flu vaccine WMHD will be offering Tdap, Meningococcal and HPV immunizations for 6th grade, junior high and high school students. These vaccines are recommended prior to 7th grade entry and additional doses of Meningococcal and HPV vaccines are needed to complete the full series. Weber-Morgan Health Department nurses will be offering immunizations to all students and school...

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Illness-Should I Keep My Student Home?

Here are a few tips and reminders for parents/guardians about when they should keep students at home.  Out of consideration for others, as well as your own child, it is recommended that when any of the following conditions exist you keep your child home from school and contact your health care provider for treatment.  Temperature – 100 degrees or above. A fever is a warning sign that all is not right with the body. Keep your child home until his/her fever has been gone WITHOUT medicine for 24 hours.  Cold or Flu- Both are respiratory illnesses caused by different viruses. Both...

Read more …Illness-Should I Keep My Student Home?